Until then a writer of travelogues (AAA World Magazine), indie comics (Maelstrom Entertainment, 1996), fashion essays, and self-indulgent philosophy tracts, his more recent adventure credits include:
Paizo Publishing

The Great City Campaign Setting (contributing author)
The Bloody Fix (with Rone Barton)
The Punctured Vein (with Rone Barton)
Goodman Games

GM Gems (contributing author)
PC Pearls (contributing author)
LPJ Designs

Sidetrek Adventure Weekly #1: Blood on the Waterfront
Sidetrek Adventure Weekly #2: An Uncertain Jungle Extraction
The Trodoon Gate Saga
A Special Guest at Paizocon 2009, Lou is an editor, author and developer for Sinister Adventures, and a member of the Werecabbages freelance writer's guild. He also makes guest appearances as Cthu-Lou on the Atomic Array podcast.
Dungeon Magazine acquired his first adventure - written with Nicolas Logue - then canceled the magazine, leaving Lou forever haunted by the fear he is somehow responsible. Lou lives in upstate NY with his wife, daughter, a dog, and a couple of horses. While he has sometimes worn a kilt and ridden a tractor, no one has ever caught him doing both.
Current Projects
October Surprise (a Call of Cthulu Adventure)
Supergenius Games (Oct. 2009)
Dark Vistas Indulgence #9: Brace of Pistols
Sinister Adventures (forthcoming 2009)
Dark Horizons Indulgence #1: Aliens & Monsters
Sinister Adventures (forthcoming 2009)
Dark Horizons Indulgence #2: To Taste the Stars
Sinister Adventures (forthcoming 2009)
The Known Universe Gazetteer
Sinister Adventures (forthcoming 2009)
Cold Black (w/Nicholas Logue)
Sinister Adventures (forthcoming 2010)