it's been quite some time since I've taken a look in real life to anything by EN Publishing, only to recently realize that they have a rather interesting AP for PFRPG going - with the two basic guides being FREE!
Thus, today I'm going to take a look at the free guides for the AP before I delve into the modules! Hope you'll enjoy the reviews!
Let's start with the DM's guide,
Zeitgeist Campaign Guide
This pdf is
19 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial, 1 page map/ToC, 1 page SRD
and 1 page back cover, leaving 15 pages of content, so let's check this out!
This pdf
contains GM-information and is chock-full of SPOILERS and intended for DMs only-
this review, though, will refrain from mentioning any details. Since the basic
concept of the AP is rather complex, the pdf comes with a concise run-down of
the player's antagonists and better yet, the methods of the conspiracy the
players will have to contend with. Better yet, since the AP presumes a mystery
spanning multiple adventures, keeping the central plot-secrets as well as how
to spoon-feed the handling of information and clues are covered - with a nice
guideline by adventure for the PCs.
The first
five adventures also get a plot synopsis including scenes to whet our tastes
for the modules including an option to abridge the campaign if need be. The pdf
also features a full-page, beautiful map of the campaign world.
Editing and
formatting are top-notch, I didn't notice any glitches. Layout adheres to a
beautiful 2-column standard and the full color pieces of artwork can stand up
to the highest standards, though the lack of a printer-friendly version will
mean that this pdf will put a brutal strain on your printer. The pdf comes
fully bookmarked. This pdf is a great overview of the Zeitgeist-AP and the
content makes one really run the AP, while providing first hints and advice on
how to properly convey the leitmotifs and peculiarities of the saga. Seeing
that this is a free pdf, I don't have much to complain about apart from the
fact that I would have enjoyed a full campaign synopsis and perhaps a
flow-chart diagram for the antagonists, but that's just me being nitpicky. This
is a great free pdf and thus, I'll settle for a final verdict of 5 Rudii.
And of course, there's also a free
Zeitgeist Player's Guide
Zeitgeist Player's Guide
This pdf is 37 pages long, 1 page front cover, 1 page editorial, 1 page ToC, 1 page SRD and 1 page back cover, leaving a total of 32 pages of content, so let's check this out!
In the
Zeitgeist AP by Enworld Publishing, the PCs are not only living in an age of
industrialization of clashing ideologies between traditionalism and progress,
they also serve as agents in their homeland, working for the Risur Homeland
Constabulary, essentially a kind of secret service devoted to the nation of
Risur. Race-wise, it should be noted that a nation of tieflings and even of
monstrous humanoids exists, as well as that the elven goddess has died in war
with mankind and thus, there almost are no female elves left. Dwarves believe
that armageddon draws near, but stoically toil on. Planar travel does not work
and any kind of magical flight only work for a maximum of 5 rounds. The
Zeitgeist AP uses no traits and instead provides a free theme-feat for each
character at first level:
providing a central theme for each character, these feats add roleplaying
potential galore, coming not only with the usual crunch, but also with a rather
extensive fluff-section - If you need a general overview of the quality you can
expect, take the Eschatologist's feat "Icy End of the World": It not
only enables you to generate a zone of icy cold that deals character level
damage to all inside (including you) and makes healing impossible, it can also
be used to stabilize and even resurrect PCs that have fallen in the last round.
Or take the feat "The Man with two Guns is God" for Gunsmiths, that
enables the user of the feat to attack with firearms as if you had two-weapon
fighting and quick draw and even better, not provoke an AoO when drawing and
attacking in the same round. Spirit Mediums can talk to the dead as a
spell-like ability and even conjure up a spirit to perform a standard action at you behest. The theme
feats are brilliant, smart and iconic and add some rather cool additional
angles for the players to explore.
player's guide also provides guidelines regarding firearms and treasure,
vehicles, organization prestige and the options to secure minor help by NPCs in
your endeavors. The second chapter details the setting overview, including a
section on the planes, wild and dead magic zones and the basic details of all
the countries as well as sections on the dominant religions and philosophies.
The third
section of the book details the metropolis of Flint, where the AP kicks off -
capital of Risur, home to the PCs and beautifully cartographed, this section is
awesome indeed - have I mentioned the fully-stated mage-shackles? Since the
Zeitgeist AP will juggle a lot of NPCs, the final page is devoted to NPC-mugshots
and short run-downs of the respective characters.
Editing and
formatting are top-notch, I didn't notice any glitches. Layout adheres to
a 2-column, full-color standard with
fitting borders and the artworks, oh boy, the artworks are AWESOME and should
fulfill the needs of even the most critical person, being on par with Paizo,
WotC etc., perhaps even beyond that in a couple of them. The pdf comes with no
bookmarks and unfortunately, without a printer-friendly version - the pdf will
extol a brutal drain on your printer.
This is a player's guide after my tastes - with stellar crunch, great
background stories, no spoilers and a plethora of great hooks (via e.g. the
theme-feats) to deeply entrench your characters in the world of Zeitgeist. Am I
stoked? Hell yeah! While the lack of a printer-friendly version is a major
blemish in my book, this player's guide is free and of a higher quality than
most commercial publications. Furthermore, the concepts and rules of e.g. the
theme-feats can easily be scavenged, providing goodness even if you don't plan
on running the AP. Hence, my final verdict will be 5 Rudii + endzeitgeist seal
of approval.

All right, that's it for now! Next time, I'm going to take a look at one massive sourcebook!
As always, thank you for reading my ramblings,
Endzeitgeist out.
As always, thank you for reading my ramblings,
Endzeitgeist out.
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