This being
an adventure-review, the following contains SPOILERS. Potential players should
jump to the conclusion. No. Seriously. You don't want to spoil this one.
Okay, only
DMs left? Great!
Now DMs may
wish to know the following - like all 4$D-modules, this one does provide some
guidance beyond the usual synopsis in modifying the hook for the DM to fix
issues with encounters that might come up, rendering this module easier to
prepare than most comparable resources. This level of foresight by the way also
extends to the copious maps provided for the module - DM and player maps are
NOT identical in every case - two thumbs up. Scaling advice, handy lists of
encounters, treasures etc. - all provided, rendering the running of this module
as easy as one can possibly make it.
Now let's
dive into the plot, shall we? We begin this module in the coastal city of
Morphoton - or any other coastal city. Here, a note on adaption should be made
- the module delivers a handy list of criteria a city has to fulfill for the
module to run smoothly and this advice, once again, renders running this module
easier - 50+ years, predominantly stone buildings, districts for different
classes, a strong mercantile presence and a council among the governing bodies
are rather easy to fulfill.
So, how
does this scenario begin? Well, it (probably) is autumn, when, by some relation
or friend, the PCs are bequeathed a picture depicting the Gardens of Marina, a
local park in a less than popular neighborhood, with a cryptic hint that there
is some mystery to be found there. Depending on your players, their innate
curiosity may even suffice - for mine it did! Checking out the park the PCs
encounter a scene of neglect and decay - the gorgeous statue in the middle of
the park has been vandalized and several of the decorative statues from the park
are missing. However, between nostalgic old people and the occasional loner
frequenting this abandoned, dilapidated park, they may also notice a ring of
odd, symbols around the fountain and a discrepancy in the composure of the
statues. There is obviously a mystery afoot and the missing statues are
obviously tied to the task. Hence, the PCs will have to hunt down the park's
former statues - wherever they might be.
at least one man can help the PCs, the by now over 90-year old senile gardener
Arbitan, who may very well be the park's only frequent visitor - it is via the
interaction with this man (a nice way to once again enforce a theme of decay
and finality and the fleeting nature of life, btw.), the PCs can glean the
first hints - and much like in a good mystery/adventure-movie, the detective
work begins - from the unpleasantness of essentially forced labor weaving to
the bureaucracy of the council, dealing with greedy art dealers and snobbish
custodians, the trails lead towards a crab-merchant, a bell-tower, a crypta and
even a maze - and we haven't even started the deadly part yet! Still, the
individual encounters collectively manage to set a tone that starts resonating
as one plays, slowly developing the mood in an excellent example of indirect
Now from
the plinths of these statues and their signs, provided as hand-outs for the
PCs, btw. - after all, visual puzzles sans visual aids are hard and a total of
9 jpgs make visualizing the puzzle exceedingly easy. Have I mentioned that all
combat-relevant aforementioned locations sport player-friendly maps?
So finally,
the secret is unearthed, the access route opens to perhaps one of the best
examples of secret dungeons I've seen in ages - and we enter the dungeon below
- which is highly uncommon. Why? Well, first of all, the place is essentially
an example for a vertical, rather than a horizontal dungeon, with cross-section
maps being provided as well (and secret rooms not included necessarily in the
default map. Secondly, the module's dungeon sports massive tanks that can be
modified and accessed via special keys - and which require some thinking.
Essentially, this whole level can be considered one gigantic logic puzzle - not
every room, not every creature is relevant, but the system per se is concise
and well-wrought...and it makes one thing pretty clear - If your PCs are dumb,
they can die horribly here: Diving into a mix of water over-saturated with
oxygen? In case you've never played Metal Gear Solid 2, let me enlighten you:
No, you can't swim in it, yes, it's a bad idea to try. The same can be said
about diving headfirst into a tank as a level 1 character that contains a
massive giant zombie shark - of course, you can just empty the tank and then
kill it at range, though it will take some arrows to put down...
tactics and smart playing will be required to properly navigate this part of
the dungeon indeed - but the challenge does not end there - in order to proceed
further, at one point the PCs quite possibly will have to deal with a rather
lethal demonic adversary...only to stumble upon an evil seamstress (who do you
think makes all those cultist's robes?) and a massive chapter of Asmodeans.
Thankfully, if the PCs are not dumb, they'll be disguised in Asmodean robes.
Walking the floors of this place should send torrents of sweat down the PC's
backs - multiple high level clerics, high-level outsiders - the PCs are well in
over their heads and with imps buzzing to and fro, unmasking is suicide.
Thankfully, the cult has not taken one thing into account -the reservoir. They have not been visited
for ages. No one bothers them. Why guard the ingress? And who would have thunk
that a certain tank now is filled to the brim with 1.5 tons of water? Some
crowbars, a little bit of force and a massive, crushing tsunami-like floods can
be used to annihilate the opposition that is so far above them, they will just
be cheering. At least my players were. Thankfully, the water drains and with
the missing head of Marina's statue, the park can be restored to its former
glory, the PCs rewarded and blessed and the module brought to a satisfying
As always
with 4$D-modules, we receive handouts of the artworks for your PCs, properly
detailed maps, stats for all creatures, hazards, spells and yes, even creature
qualities as well, rendering this literally the only book you need to run this
Editing and
formatting are top-notch, I did not notice any significant glitches. Layout
adheres to a printer-friendly 2-column full color standard sans backgrounds and
the pdf comes extensively bookmarked for your convenience. As an additional
benefit for people like yours truly, we receive two pdfs - one in A4-format and
one in US-format, making the printing of this module easier and better looking
for Europeans like yours truly. Cartography is provided in full color, of just
about every combat-related environment, with player-friendly maps and even
cross-sections galore. It should also be noted that, as always, each encounter
features the respective DCs for skill-checks and results in a handy mini-table.
4$D-module is like the other - but ever since "Horn of Geryon", all
three have been superb in their own, distinct ways. They all sport a subdued,
mature humor that makes reading them a joy and provide a level of detail and
logical cohesiveness seldom seen in any other publication. Instead of resting
on his laurels, after "Journey to Cathreay" became one of my favorite
wilderness modules of all time, author Richard Develyn instead opted for
something different - and made a module that is equal parts investigation and
essentially the exploration of a vast, magical and logical dungeon. Suffused
with a sense of decrepitude, the module's theme is enhanced by just about every
step building atmosphere along the way - and this is good. Why? Because this
module requires respect to beat. I am not kidding when I'm saying that this
module is difficult - in an uncommon, very rewarding way - from the beginning to
the end, this whole module is all about BRAINS over brawn. If this were a
GoT-character, it would probably be Tyrion Lannister.
What do I
mean by that? Organically, the dungeon and its challenges prepare the PCs (and
players!) mindset-wise towards a most uncommon finale that would not work with
another mindset. It's essentially like the glorious classic "Tomb of
Abysthor" and the author does not kid when the CR-rating for a particular
room is denoted as "infinite" - at their level, the PCs have simply
no chance to prevail other than being smart -something that would come out of
left field in any other module and result in unfair TPKs here works as the
logical conclusion of the things that have come before.
All right,
I'll come out and say it - this is the brainiest module I've had the pleasure
to run in quite a while - and I mean that as a compliment. Mind you, there are
enough combats in here and a skeleton whose skull is inhabited by an undead
octopus and similar weird creatures make for fantastic changes of pace
throughout the module and the fights before furthermore enhance the emphasis on
tactics, strategy and using your brain.
This module
can be deemed a love-letter to all the glorious modules that could not be
solved by rolling a 20 every time, an homage to the brainier of
mystery/adventure movies and is just plain fun to run. That being said, DMs
should carefully read (and understand) the full module before running it - its
modular nature and complex dungeon are not something you can pull off on the
fly. if your players and you are bored by roll-playing, if you want concise and
logical puzzles that do not require trial and error to solve, then this will be
a true blessing for you. The Key to Marina is a glorious module that once again
shows what was once considered to be the best of old-school adventure-writing
and puts it into a new, polished form. At this point, I am using 4 Dollar
Dungeon-modules as a type of balm for my reviewer's soul - after reading flawed
math, the oompteenth supplement dealing with xyz, after being frustrated by a
logical glitch or railroading - this is when I open one of these modules, read
them, run them...and all is well. And no, that was no exaggeration. Add to that
the exceedingly low price-point and I guarantee that you won't find something
similar around.
I am aware
that I must be sounding like a fanboy at this point and honestly, I kind of am
- but deservedly so. The level of quality provided is staggering for this
price-point and the amount of superlatives I can heap on this module are rather
impressive as well - but you've heard those before, I wager. Hence, let me just
reiterate that this is a module for the advanced player, for the thinkers, a
module steeped in glorious detail, one that could be easily transplanted into
e.g. Ravenloft or any other setting. It is also yet another flavor of
awesomeness from the penmanship of Richard Develyn and the fourth (!!!) module
in a row I consider a candidate for my Top Ten of the given release-year.
Yeah. this
is getting creepy. still, once more, let me spell it out - final verdict: 5
stars + seal of approval, candidate for the Top Ten of 2014. Go buy this now -
it's cheaper than a pack of cigarettes or a proper meal, even in a fast food
chain, and it will stay with you for much, much longer.
You can get this ridiculously awesome module here on OBS and here on d20pfsrd.com's shop!
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