Streets of Zobeck by Open Design
This product is 94 pages long. It starts with a cover, credits, forward and ToC. (4 pages)
Faces of Zobeck (8 pages)
This is a section of stat blocks for important NPC's in the book. There is 8 NPC's full stated out with a short background, goals and plots laid out. There is also 5 feats and 2 traits in this section by the NPC that possess them. I am unsure if they are new or from other Open Design books and just reprinted here.
Places of Zobeck (14 pages)
This covers 6 locations in the city. With a map, description, location keys, key NPC's and some stat blocks as well. Basically everything you would need to help bring the location to life. There is also two traps stated out, a new rogue archetype, and a new rogue talent. At the end is a full stated out NPC using the new rogue archetype.
Everyone Lies (9 pages)
This is a 1-3rd level mini adventure. It uses one of the locations detailed in the previous chapter. In addition there is a single new magic item stated out, one that is common with the City Watch.
Rust (9 pages)
A 4-5th level mini adventure.
The Fish and the Rose (8 pages)
A 5th level mini adventure.
The First Lab (8 pages)
A 7th level mini adventure.
Rebuilding a Good Man (7 pages)
A 9th level mini adventure.
Ripper (8 pages)
A 10th level mini adventure.
Flesh Fails (11 pages)
A 9-11th level mini adventure.
Races of Zobeck (4 ½ pages)
This has 8 new feats, 16 new traits, 4 new spells, 6 new magic items, 1 new magic weapon property, and 3 new mundane gear items.
It ends with a OGL, ads and back cover. (3 ½ pages)
Closing thoughts. The artwork is black and white and good. Layout and editing are good, I didn't notice any errors. The author forward was a nice little read and it explains what the product is about and what inspired it. The whole product is a grim and gritty urban supplement to help bring the city of Zobeck to life. The locations are well done, the mini adventures are all interesting. Some use some of the NPC's in the first section or some of the locations in the second section. Others add new locations of their own or NPC's which can be used. Most of the book can be used over and over, other than the adventures of course. It adds a nice continuity as the PC's will go to the same places and see the same people over the course of their adventures. Reading this book it reminded me a great deal of the Thieves World series of books. While this product is made for Zobeck and the world setting of Midgard it would be fairly easy to use the vast majority of this book in any setting.
So what's my rating? Well I admit I am biased I like urban based adventures and I like grim and gritty adventures and settings as well. Not to mention I am a big fan of the listed works that inspired the authors of this product. With that said though if you are looking for more flavor for your Zobeck game or just looking for some urban adventures and locations then I highly recommend the book. I have settled on a 5 star for this product. If you liked the Thieves World series of books, pick this up. You won't be disappointed.
Trust me, I'm a Succubus.

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