Hej everybody,
today I'll take a look at
Adventure Quarterly #3
The latest
installment of Rite Publishing’s Adventure-based magazine is 69 pages long, 1
page front cover, 1 page editorial, 1 page ToC, 1 page SRD, 2 pages of
advertisement and 1 page back cover, leaving us with a total of 62 pages of
content, so let’s take a look inside, shall we?
editorial of Robert N. Emerson sets the tone for this issue, for the modules
herein ask interesting questions, but more on that later.
The first
module herein would be Alex Putnam’s “Red Leaves Enigma” set in the small town
of Morford.
But before I divulge any further information, be aware that from
here on out reign the SPOILERS. Potential players should skip to the
conclusion, especially since this is a mystery module.
All right,
still here? The PCs are invited to the fully (via dundjinni) cartographed
Morford Academy to share adventuring stories and dine with the headmaster of
the place – it is here that the module starts being interesting: Kicking off
with a variety of individuals, there are quite a few dramatis personae who
could work as red herrings allies etc. – best of all, we get a short run-down
of their personal relations, what they know etc., somewhat similar and akin to
RSP’S short fluffy NPc-summaries. As almost always when adventurers dine,
something goes awry, though – as the feast runs its course, a conjuration
accident seems to have happened in the basement and the school is, in spite of
the vehement protest of the dignitary (per default, a Questor of Questhaven),
put on lockdown: Wards up, clockwork soldiers ready. It’s up to the PCs and
arcanists to find out what truly happened. When the first woman is found
sedated with poison and drained of a part of her blood, the trail of clues
thickens. In the basement, the vial containing the poison as well as a broken
phial of blood can be found, suggesting that the culprit did not directly
consume the drained blood. Via spontaneous traps and close calls, the PCs will
slowly but surely be led towards the labs and there, hopefully, manage to walk
a gauntlet of animated dolls and soulbound dolls to find the unwilling culprit
of the crimes – a construct called a lutakophasm.
Born from
Professor Asantte’s desire for a prolonged live, this construct is a terrible
crime indeed, for in order to transfer life rather than create a semblance of
it, the professor has resorted to the sacrifice of innocents. During the last
rite that should have transferred his spirit into the construct, though,
something went awry: A spasm has the result of only imparting fragments of
Assante’s mind into the construct and instead binding the spirit of the
sacrificial victim to the created being. Confused and knowing about the
imminent fate, the construct slew Asantte and has been trying to exist since:
As the ritual was flawed, it needs blood as an alchemical catalyst to properly
work and while it did resort to animals as long as possible, did not kill her
drain-victim(s), even though it clearly could have. Now what to do with the
strange soul-amalgam? Can and should the being be destroyed, even though it
acted as it did to keep mobile, to avoid the fate of being eternally
imprisoned, aware but immobile and unable to communicate in a lifeless body?
All the clues are there and at the end of the module, if run properly, the PCs
as well as the players should ask themselves some questions about morality and
what makes us human, what makes us sentient. All in all, a great module that
not only provides a nice backdrop and interesting characters, but also offers
some food for thought. However, I honestly would have liked a more complex set
of sample clues – while sandboxy and with all the NPCs extremely open for
DM-development, this module might take a bit more preparation and experience to
pull off than many others, but the result should be satisfying indeed.
The second
module, by Matt Banach, would then be “Dream Harvest” and oh boy, let me AGAIN
call SPOILERS at the top of my lungs. Players, SKIP this one. You want to. The
adventure kicks off when a distraught woman comes running in the PC’s way and
pleads them to save her son, Jake, who is in the process of being killed by a
nightmare, tossing, turning and convulsing in his sleep. When they reach the
boy, the virulent nightmare seems to swallow the PCs ina weird vortex, drawing them inside the dreams
of the young boy. They awake trapped in webs in a cavern, full of spider swarms
scuttling over their bodies and hungry large spiders – from there, the
weirdness has just begun: Being set in dream, dying usually would wake the PCs
up, but not so here: If PCs perish, they are resurrected at somewhat
zombified-looking dream-ghosts, adding yet another disturbing element to the
dream. Once the spiders and their cobwebs have been defeated, clumps of web
will form a humanoid shape, beseeching them to find the bones – and thus, the
PCs set off through a tunnel reminiscent of veins punctured by weird growths,
where they will have to contend with an entourage of an infinite horde of
passing ghouls on the exodus to another place – the morphic gravity of dream
could make for a great tool here and essentially, this encounter can pan out in
varying ways, with PCs hopefully being smart and not picking a fight…

The next
scene of the surreal journey brings the PCs to a dinner-scene, again providing
details and symbols as clues to what is truly happening. On the more immediate
side, the orcs seem to have completed their dinner and the skeleton of the
mega-raptor they consumed joins them in their attack on the PCs. In order to
progress, the PCs (thankfully with a direct hint), will need to dig a certain
picture of graves. Hopefully, by now they also realize that there’s a sense of
urgency: A blood-filled hourglass, slowly dripping away their lives should
provide a good hint – either 2 minutes or half an hour: Not much time to survive.
Being sucked into the picture they dug, the PCs emerge, rising from their very
own graves, having to deal with a scarecrow in the aftermath that has a very
peculiar weakness. There, the PCs may finally dig up Jack’s bones and talk to
him: Here, the full horror and symbols should come crashing down on the PCs –
there never was a boy called Jack, he was a fellow adventurer trapped in dream
by an insidious plant called xtabay vines. The insidious flora lulls you into
sleep and then proceeds to consume your body. The whole adventure so far was
Jack interrupting the pleasant stupor the vines had spun for the PCs. Those who
died here, have been consumed by the vines and their whole journey downwards
was actually upwards towards consciousness. In order to wake up, they will have
to defeat the dream-avatar of the vines, a hangman-tree. Now this would be no
mean feat, but things are worse: Time has caught up with the dream and the PCs
are devoured by the vines – fast. Starting the encounter with 2d4 Con damage and
getting 1d2 more per round should prove to make this encounter DEADLY. It is
also extremely cool that PCs can wake up via will-saves by now (with bonuses
depending on actions, fight the vines in the real world and be sent back to
dream with their pollen. A climactic battle in two worlds – awesome! Once the
vines have met their end, the dream-ghost of Jack might lead the perished PCs
to further quests in dream or have them remain to be resurrected, if needed.
Matt Banach knows dream, being one of the brilliant minds behind the “Faces ofthe Tarnished Souk”-series and if this level of quality is what we can expect
from his upcoming novel kickstarter, I’m looking forward to it. Why? Because
this module is one of the best I’ve read in quite a while: Iconic, challenging
and smart, full of awesome ideas and tips for the DM to convey the unique
atmosphere of the module, this alone is worth this issue of AQ’s asking price.
It’s that good. Can we have an adventure-anthology in set in the realm of
dreams? Please?
The third
module, “Sealing the Vault” by Michael Welham is more straightforward than the
first two: When a farmer, enhanced by the power of an artifact-level evil axe
tries to murder a local noble things look dire – worse, even, that the evil
weapon tries to teleport away and take over the next peasant until stopped. The
arrival of an iron golem, who only repeats “The vault has been breached”
further complicates things. Via the golem and some research, the Pcs should
stumble upon an obscure piece of lore regarding the past of one of their
ancestors: Said ancestor was part of an order that managed to seal away evil
outsiders, curses and deadly, possessed weaponry in a vault. In order to stop
the leaking of these items and the resulting dire consequences, the PCs will
have to travel to the vault and reseal it. No mean feat, especially since the
traps in the vault are deadly and the place is crawling with deadly aware
arcanas, outsiders and possessed weaponry. A deadly dungeon crawl with a cool
theme, since the PCs ideally prevent further damage to the vault’s engine and
manage to reseal the place by repairing the legendary machinery that protected
this place for centuries. Or is destruction of the items and beings,
potentially setting evil spirits free, the more prudent option?
Broadhurst’s company Raging Swan Press is known for the various extremely
useful (and critically acclaimed) DM-aids that provide details, details,
details to your game and his contribution this issue actually provides us with
3 mini-dungeon-dressings. We get the physical stats for barrels, keys and
sconces as well as a table per item-catgeory containing 20 different sample
appearances. Very cool, though honestly, I wished each of the 3 useful entries
was a full-blown supplement. Still, an extremely useful contribution!
Now Rite
Publishing’s mastermind Steven D. Russell also provides us with a short article
and one I consider actually useful: Motivations for adventuring parties to
stick together. Having once had the pleasure of being too successful at
corrupting my PCs and subsequently running essentially 4 parallel campaigns
where everyone plotted against everyone else, I can get behind the usefulness
of such an article. Maybe in the future, we’ll get some kind of “group-traits”
that actually grant bonuses? Would be nice to counteract alignment-disputes
Editing and
formatting this time around are top-notch: I didn’t notice any significant
glitches. Layout adheres to RiP’s 2-column standard and it is here that I’d like
to comment on the maps: I never cease to be amazed at the level of detail Eric
Blische managed to squeeze from dundjinni as well as from the sheer amount of
maps we get. Speaking of maps: We also get them as separate .png-files, though
I wished the respective maps would be slightly bigger or collated on one page –
as provided, you waste a lot of paper when printing them out, since there’s
only one map per .png. This remains my only gripe with the maps, though. The
pdf comes fully bookmarked with nested bookmarks, making navigation easy.
The third
module in this collection is very good, the first is excellent even – but let
me say that Matt Banach has taken the awesome cake with his adventure. This one
alone would justify the asking price. It’s smart, clever and simply brilliant.
I don’t find myself really itching to run many adventures any more, but this
one did the trick. Innovative, full of details, creepy, tragic even, this
module should be considered a must-have purchase and almost makes me feel bad for
praising it so much, since the other two are excellent as well. At first, I
admit to being a bit disappointed that Ruins Perilous Level 2 was not part of
this compilation, but as soon as I started reading these modules, I started to
grin. Ladies and gentlemen, this issue of AQ mops the floor with its two
predecessors, providing us 3 high-class, superb modules that can be considered
top-notch. With the notable exception of the afore-mentioned issue with all
maps coming in separate pages, I have nothing to complain here. A top-notch
offering and in spite of this gripe, still worth full 5 stars + seal of
approval, especially due to Matt Banach’s superb module. We need more of these!
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